Yorkshire Terrier Blog

8 Toys & Accessories Every Small Dog Needs

Small dogs are just born for cute outfits, toys, and accessories. Before you find yourself buying a bunch of toys or every cute stuff you come across, you should worry about your dog’s needs.

Small breed dogs are way too cute, and we all have the urge to bring them everywhere and put some tiny clips on their heads. If your dog is one little fashionista by its personality, you should go ahead. Some of our furry friends can’t stand any kind of accessories, though.

Comfort and happiness are the main things to think about when buying toys and accessories for a pet. No matter what your dog feels about styling and dressing-up, all small dogs need several toys and accessories to make their lives better and more comfortable. Here are the main X of them:

1.   Comfortable bed

Small dogs love having a unique bed. They want to be comfortable, and a mattress that is all soft and comfy makes them feel like they’re sleeping in their owner’s hug.

There are so many cute beds on the market that you can find anything that can come to your mind. Beds for small dogs can be found in many shapes and designs so that you can fit the pattern of your dog’s bed with your household. You should also keep in mind that bed is so much more than a sleeping place for dogs – they will go there if they are in some pain or don’t feel well.

Therefore, beds are an essential part of your dog’s life. If you live in an apartment, it will also be the first home for your dog’s puppies! The only criteria for your small furry family member are that their bed is comfortable and warm. It can even be a cute banana pet bed. They don’t need much – unless you have a tiny diva for a pet, which is common when it comes to small dogs! If that’s the case, make sure to check out our Furdi luxury bed – your pets will love it!

2. Some clothes for cold days

Many small dog breeds are susceptible to cold. No matter how furry they are, they respond differently to the cold than the larger dogs. Many vets say it’s because they are closer to the ground, so they feel the coldness more intensively than their bigger buddies.

Therefore, a few clothes are essential not only for small dogs’ looks but also r their health. If you`re the owner of a tiny dog, a sweater or jacket is a must for days when the temperature is low. Small dogs tend to catch a cold very fast, but they can also suffer from bladder problems if they are not appropriately dressed. Remember that your dog has to do every activity during the day while not being disturbed by its clothes.

READ ALSO: Do Yorkies Love to Wear Clothes?

Many owners get carried away with the cute design of the dog’s clothing that they forget it has to be functional and comfortable. There are so many cute warm outfits for little dogs that you only have to make sure to keep your dog warm inside and outside during the chilly months of the year.

Make sure to check out our street wear collection where you’ll find numerous jackets.

toys and accessories for small dogs

3. Favorite comfy blanket

Talking about lower temperatures, your tiny friend will appreciate a soft, warm blanket as well. Many dogs love having their blanket – it gives them warmth, a sense of calmness, and comfort. That’s why we recommend you get your dog one blanket at an early age.

It can be a pleasant memory when it is all grown, and the blanket will always make them happy. You can also put it in their bed to emphasize the sense of calmness in their sleeping place. Because of the aforementioned small dog’s sensitivity to cold, a blanket will also help keep your little one healthy and warm.

4. Combs and brushes are a necessity

Many small dog breeds have specific kinds of fur. If your dog has high-maintenance fur that needs to be brushed daily – all sorts of combs and brushes are something you couldn’t live without. Every dog needs to be regularly combed in order to look nice, but also to keep their skin and fur healthy and clean.

There are so many varieties of brushing tools on the market – the ones for dogs face, the brushes for long fur, combs for curly fur, the ones that will help you deal with its tangled hair, and so on.

If you’re not sure what’s best for your small friend, you can always look for some advice at your local dog grooming salon. Small dogs are not fans of brushing, that’s why it’s important to find a set of combs or brushes that won’t hurt them.

5. Chewing toys to the rescue

All dogs love chewing anything they can’t get to, especially while they are puppies. That’s even more dangerous with small dogs, because they can crawl to the farthest places!

Due to their size, small dogs can get to your computer cables or any other places in a home where they can be endangered by electric power. They also love chewing your favorite sandals, shoelaces, or any other stuff you can or can’t imagine! Chewing toys are the ones to save the day.

These come in all shapes and sizes, with flavors, made of plastic or from natural edible materials. Yours is only to pick the right one based on your dog’s age and personality.

Destructive chewing problems don’t end when dogs are grown, especially with small ones who will still be thin enough to find a way to a forbidden place. Chewing can also lead to some health issues or suffocation. For all these reasons, buy some chewing toys and you won’t have to worry about your dog’s safety.

6. A carrier bag

Small dogs can spend more time with their owners because of their size. Most of them can easily fit into your car, or bicycle basket or you can hold them in your lap while sipping coffee in your favorite coffee shop. The easiest and most comfortable way to transport your small dog is a bag.

When we say bag, we mean all shapes and sizes of transporter accessories that can be found nowadays. Choices are many, but we always recommend keeping your dogs safety and comfort as the primary criteria. Make sure that the carrier bag has enough space and permits your dog to breathe.

A carrier bag is also a way to transport your tiny one to a vet ambulance. That’s why it’s also important for a dog to be comfortable and stress-free during its time in the carrier. Led by your dog’s needs, you can choose from many designs available in our shop.

7. Clips, bows, hairbands – when styling is a must

If you are a proud owner of a small dog with long silky fur and tidily groomed hairstyle – we know that you invest a lot of time brushing it and keeping it clean. These kinds of small dogs breeds need accessories not to make them even cuter, but to make their life easier with all that fur.

Some small dogs can have eye problems if their fur is not cut properly and if it’s in their eyes all of the time. Other dogs can see without having their clips or bows holding their hair in place. Therefore, the lack of these accessories can affect small dogs’ sight.

YouTube video
Yorkies full grooming session.

Making small ponytails with their fur is also a way to help some of the small dogs living undisturbed. Many people think that these kinds of accessories are just over the top for any dog, but the truth is – for some of them it’s a necessity. Of course, every owner cares about his or her dog appearance, so we totally support making your small dog even more cute with bows and clips of all colors.

8. Toys – easy way to lift up the dogs spirit

Small dogs are really toy lovers. They will look so cute jumping around with their funny toy, and what’s even more important – toys bring joy and happiness into your dog’s life.

There are toys of any size and shape you can possibly think about, but small dogs tend to like toys that will make them run like little bullets. Toys like bouncing balls, small squeaky animals, stuffed toys, and ropes are especially interesting! Toys can also help you in keeping your dog healthy and fit, which is even more important for small dogs who usually live in apartments so they’re less active than bigger dogs.

Your small furry buddy will be ecstatic chasing its favorite toy around – making running so much fun will make sure your dog keeps up with the necessary amount of activity per day. Make sure to check our accessories page and see our wide selection of puppy toys.

All of these toys and accessories are just another way to make your dogs happy and healthy. They will feel even more loved and secure – what dog doesn’t go crazy when you buy them a new toy? Accessories also keep their life much easier, so enjoy finding perfect ones for the smallest member of your family.

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